About Us
Our Mission | Our Story | Organization | Contact Info
Our Mission
We are an evangelical Christian organization committed to the Great Commission that Jesus gave His disciples in Matthew 28.
Our purpose is to invest in the lives of people who will change their world rather than to build buildings or develop bureaucratic structures.
We seek to establish, enable, equip and encourage those people and programs today that will influence the world tomorrow.
We are committed to making a difference to the society in which we find ourselves.
Our Story
The two Davids - (Beevers and Cushworth) started Hope Unlimited in 1989 because of a passion for the Kingdom of God in Zimbabwe.
David Beevers spent several years in children's and youth ministry before venturing into training and equipping pastors and church leaders in the rural areas in the south of Zimbabwe. What started as a teaching ministry soon grew into a fathering ministry with many facets. Starting with just five pastors and two churches, David Beevers now works with 14 pastors who have oversight of over 30 churches and some 1500 plus members in Zimbabwe. Out of his relationship with the pastors has developed a group of churches - Ambassadors Christian Fellowships which operates in Zimbabwe, South Africa, the Philippines, the US and Malawi.
David Cushworth fills an Apostolic role within the Fellowship. He is also the Executive Director of the organization and provides direction, insight and assistance to all.
HOPE UNLIMITED, INC., AMBASSADORS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, INC., GIVE A KID A CHANCE DELAWARE, INC., and ASIANS FOR CHRIST, INC. are incorporated as non-profit organizations under the laws of the State of Delaware.
They are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Equivalent corporate and charitable status has been obtained in Zimbabwe, South Africa and The Philippines.
In accordance with public disclosure requirements with the United States we have available a number of our documents, which are available on request.
For copies of any documents in other countries, and that are subject to similar disclosure requirements, please contact that country office direct.
For copies of other documents or to request additional information about us, please call (302) 981-7138, or email info@hopeunlimited.net
Contact Info
Hope Unlimited
PO Box 5891
Wilmington, DE 19808
Phone: (302) 981-7138
Fax: (302) 998-4622
Hope Unlimited Zimbabwe
26 Philips Drive
Ilanda, Bulawayo
Phone: (263) 91 223 9095
People Of Grace Church
58 Kamuning Road
Quezon City, Metro Manilla
Phone: +63 2 926 1915